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This website aims to give you a true touch of what the panamericana road-trip experience means, with all the downfalls and the genuine beauty of a budget trip amongst some of the most espectacular sceneries in the Americas.

Here you will find budget tips, money-saving advice, recommendations on places to stay, things to see and do, and where and what to eat and taste. It doesn’t matter what type of vacation you are going to, an adventurer soul takes always a try, and a « why not » attitude is always looking for inspirations.

This website aims to give you a true touch of what the panamericana road-trip experience means, with all the downfalls and the genuine beauty of a budget trip amongst some of the most espectacular sceneries in the Americas.

Here you will find budget tips, money-saving advice, recommendations on places to stay, things to see and do, and where and what to eat and taste. It doesn’t matter what type of vacation you are going to, an adventurer soul takes always a try, and a « why not » attitude is always looking for inspirations.